daily shorts

Admitting is Step 1

I was at Pilates earlier and the instructor was talking about lighter springs and I said, “I’m okay, I like easy!”

Without missing a beat she goes, “You don’t like easy, you’re trying to do a pull-up. People who who like easy don’t do those things.”

daily shorts

Can we get some burpees in here

I recently started HIIT again.

Not going to lie: the first week was devastating, both physically and spiritually. I felt truly unfit for the first time in a very long time… something along the lines of, “I THOUGHT I WAS FIT FFS WTF IS THIS HOW AM I A TOTAL SHITTER???”

It is now the third week and I’m happy to report that my body has remembered what it feels like to be tortured.

All is right again in the world.

2017 one thing a day

Day 016

All three male PTs at the EMS gym obsessed over my calves today–I’ve never had so many men gush over how manly my calves are. It’s the oddest sensation ever. They even made me stand on tiptoes. My calves are the envy of all men who workout and loathe leg day.

I guess that’s a great thing. Nobody goes to the gym to be called pretty. I’m here to be fit, damnit!

2021 edit–
Trivia: EMS is just a fancy acronym for electrocution. Sounds insane, but the best thing I got out of that experience was to know which muscles to engage while performing a particular exercise. Also, my calves have not stopped being enviable.

2017 one thing a day

Day 004

“Relearned” how to burpee. The PT said form was impeccable and it’s just the breathing I have to work on, huzzah! Smashing those fitness goals.

2021 edit–
I’m marveling at how young and naïve I was.