daily shorts

In the darkest of days

Can you please set them all on fire?

I need to see them be useful for something even if only as tinder.

daily shorts

Friendship +10

*casually forwarding memes to my coworkers*

P: I had no idea that WSM was a mushroom
Me: He is a massive dick after all

daily shorts

6 days in

And everything is falling apart.

daily shorts


I swore this was going to be my year.

And here I am ruining my bed time.

daily shorts

We’d have a killer podcast

My BF’s response to me asking if he’s a passport bro: “Does Azeroth count?”

daily shorts

The duality of nature

It’s tragic that I love teaching alignment yoga but I abhor the word alignment so very much in a corporate setting.

daily shorts

Nepo baby blessings

Was talking to an ex-coworker who’s currently having some damned good craic right now and he had only this to say about our resident nepo baby:

“May the roads rise up to meet his face.”

We miss that man so much every day.

daily shorts

Admitting is Step 1

I was at Pilates earlier and the instructor was talking about lighter springs and I said, “I’m okay, I like easy!”

Without missing a beat she goes, “You don’t like easy, you’re trying to do a pull-up. People who who like easy don’t do those things.”

daily shorts

Telegram temptation

My Monday’s been really productive. HBU?

Me: Man some of these emoji reactions are questionable af
Me: Hot dog and strawberry one 100000% sus
Me: When would you EVER use that
P: There are very few food emojis that wouldn’t DIRECTLY be used for innuendo
Me: Like that hot dog is SLIDING up and down in the bun
P: …oh come on now!
Me: Strawberry had some weird turn/squirt animation
Me: Like WHY
P: Jesus… now I’m just checking out sexualized food emojis
P: There goes my day

daily shorts

Intrusive thoughts

Is a bagel just a donut that went to the gym and recomped?