daily shorts

LF new hobby, PST recommendations

Sometimes I don’t know what I did to entertain myself before I got the internet.

How hard could it be to find things to do without connectivity, right?


p/s: no coloring books–those coloring books are stressful af; midway through and it’s like a competition with myself to see if I can hang that shit up in an art gallery…

daily shorts

Imposter Syndrome

I’ve noticed that I get very fidgety when my title gets brought up even though I don’t believe in titles (read: I don’t care what your title is, please just get your shit done).

My current title has the word “director” in it and it just feels odd every time someone else uses it.

daily shorts

Almost there

So… my sister just casually mentioned there’s an outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis over in Victoria.

That’s plague, war, and pestilence.

Guess famine’s coming real soon with the wheat shortage.

daily shorts

Almost as fun as watching food being delivered

Am I the only crazy person who watches their parcel delivery progress?
I feel like I’m on an adventure with my parcel as it traverses the continents.

Quarantine has obviously not been kind to my imagination.

daily shorts

Why do we argue online?

The internet is truly filled with “wtf?” people.

Especially the ones who make assumptions and/or arguments based solely off the comments of other people while not actually watching and/or reading the actual source.

I mean, WHY?

And please don’t say, “Oh, because I don’t care about [insert original subject] enough to read/watch it.” You obviously cared enough to weigh in.

Serious question to people who do this: do you like arguing with strangers online? For the sake of just arguing? Or is it because you just need to be heard in some way or other?


p/s: make the internet a better place and don’t be that person.