daily shorts

In the darkest of days

Can you please set them all on fire?

I need to see them be useful for something even if only as tinder.


Things they didn’t teach you at school

Is there a mental disorder where a person blames everyone and/or everything else for their problems, but never examine their own action or inaction as the problem itself? And at the same time fancies themselves a benevolent champion of sorts?

How do you handle such lunacy?

If I’m going to have a mental breakdown, I just need to know if there’s Wi-Fi in the psych ward.


Performative Management

TIL I learned a few new phrases: deflecting responsibility, passive delegation, manipulative framing, and prioritizing optics.

I basically fed ChatGPT my email thread and asked it to analyze the behaviors of the people sending the email.

My EOY review will be all about asserting boundaries and protecting my mental health.


End of year chaos

BTC hit $100k earlier today. It’s a crazy timeline!

I’m still poor though so here I am bitching about the most latest work thing: a Personal User Manual. That’s right you disingenuous fucks, let’s just skip the nuance of building relationships and assume that reading a manual replaces the organic process of learning how to work with someone.

High pitched cat screaming is my spirit animal


Terrible human being award

We recently hired a couple of people (who were already working for us) who were let go from their previous agency.

The douchebag who let them go tried to invoke a poaching clause.

You’ve already fired them and now you’re trying to stop them from getting a new job?

It’s not as if they quit. YOU. FIRED. THEM.

What kind of a next level salty tool are you really?



Over two decades in tech and I’m still running into insecure manbabies who are petty and whiny as they are unkind. Just to be fair, I’ve run into the female equivalent as well but that’s currently at a grand total of one (maybe two?).

These people with small crayon energy ending up in management roles are the reason why we absolutely cannot have nice things in the world.

We collectively suck and need to do better.

daily shorts

Finding joy

The pandemic is still going strong.

I’m a little annoyed that the infection numbers are still climbing despite EVERY MEDIA OUTLET telling you to stay home if you don’t need to go out or to practice social distancing if you do. Look, I get it. Staying in sucks.

But if you’re going out simply because “staying home sucks” and because being bored interferes with your lifestyle, I hope the folks at the ICU gives your ventilator to someone else.

daily shorts

Why do we argue online?

The internet is truly filled with “wtf?” people.

Especially the ones who make assumptions and/or arguments based solely off the comments of other people while not actually watching and/or reading the actual source.

I mean, WHY?

And please don’t say, “Oh, because I don’t care about [insert original subject] enough to read/watch it.” You obviously cared enough to weigh in.

Serious question to people who do this: do you like arguing with strangers online? For the sake of just arguing? Or is it because you just need to be heard in some way or other?


p/s: make the internet a better place and don’t be that person.


Misophonia is a serious issue

Does anyone have legit insight to any sort of (legal) medication that would make listening to people chew and/or suck on their teeth more bearable?

Eating at a table with noise-cancelling earbuds is apparently… you know, rude… even though the earbuds are the only thing stopping me from brutally assaulting someone else.

With that being said: CHEWING WITH YOUR MOUTH OPEN IS NOT COOL GUYS. Neither is constantly sucking on your teeth. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TRYING TO SUCK OUT? THERE’S NOTHING THERE.


Eyyy, what’s your stack?

Talking to tech versus non-tech people about having a blog–

“I have a blog!”
“Oh, what platform is it on?”

“I have a blog!”
“Nice, what about? Your food adventures?”

Because you’re not a real developer if you’re not blogging with Jekyll/Kirby/Ghost AMIRITE??

Don’t you tech nerds even try to deny that shit.