daily shorts

Conversations with another CD

SY: Design skills are translatable, just need to have a lot of common sense AND always design with a purpose
SY: Design is not guessing

Me: I threw the designer’s credibility out the door when she said she’s pretty good about designing without content

Note: also the same man who told me to straight up lower my expectations ?

daily shorts

Imposter Syndrome

I’ve noticed that I get very fidgety when my title gets brought up even though I don’t believe in titles (read: I don’t care what your title is, please just get your shit done).

My current title has the word “director” in it and it just feels odd every time someone else uses it.

daily shorts

Online security training

Cybersecurity expert on phishing: “Did you receive the email at an unusual time? If you receive an email outside of normal business hours, this is a red flag.”

Guess everyone in ad agencies are potential scammers.


It’s a curse of some sort

Why are all the people who own online (expensive) jewelry stores exceptionally difficult to work with?

It’s just this one specific niche.

2018 one thing a day

Day 25: Putting up with bad millennials programmers

Especially the ones who talk so much smack but have nothing to back their shit up with when everything starts falling apart.


2021 edit–
I still love telling this story about the shady techbros (words like shocking and appalling come to mind).
Something you’d have to hear in-person purely for the hand gestures and facial expressions.

2018 one thing a day

Day 20: It’s been a long time since I’ve missed weekends

After the week I’ve had, I just want to roll around and do absolutely nothing.

That literally translates to, “I’m going to roll around and compulsively check Delta and cry over all the potential mooning coins I don’t have fiat to buy.”

Such is life.

2021 edit–
The beginning of my crypto affliction.

2018 one thing a day

Day 19: I don’t remember launch days being so panicky

I don’t remember any of my past site launches being so chaotic.

But yesterday’s site launch has given me an important/amusing insight: everyone, and I mean EVERYONE COLLECTIVELY, is afraid of the IT guy.

Mental note to have a scary Russian chap man the servers in the future.

2021 edit–
Putin people in their places, eyyy.

2022 edit–
That Putin pun did not age well at all.

2017 one thing a day

Day 015

I wrinkled my nose at him, “This lady is super impressive. She’s got thirteen units that she’s renting on out AirBnB! Talk about being enterprising!”

He blinked. “Shit. We’ve wasted our lives. We must do something about it this year. Like making a baby.”

I stared. “Wait, what?”

“You said we’d be making our own product this year,” he replied nonchalantly.

“That’s not exactly the product I had in mind…”

2021 edit–
On today’s episode of #truenerd! I chuckled at how clever it was.

2017 one thing a day

Day 009

It’s only nine days into the new year and I’ve already blown my quota at mentally cursing out project managers who are half baked and have absolutely no fucking clue at what they’re doing and/or asking for. I cannot emphasize no fucking clue enough. HOW DID THESE PEOPLE EVEN GET JOBS?? Again, a project manager should be able to do more than just reply emails and draft up briefs in PowerPoint.

Having to deal with abhorrent crazies early in the morning makes me unnecessarily violent and sends me into fits of uncontrollable coughing.

I might be jumping the gun here, but as a PSA to everyone working with a front end developer for anything, CSS is not the same thing as PSD. For fuck’s sake. If you’re working in a digital agency, you REALLY SHOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

So much for complaining less and embracing the world’s positivity. I will do better tomorrow.

2021 edit–
Well, the zen in my flow aged poorly.

2017 one thing a day

Day 003

Did some digital housekeeping… and for some strange reason clicked into Tumblr messages. I don’t ever click into that because I obviously never get messages, ever.

Found a lovely message from a client dated way back (sorry!). Super stoked she actually took the trouble to reach out, but a little disappointed in myself that it took all of 582 days to realize the message was there. Sent an apology instead and wished her a great year ahead!

2021 edit–
Lovely reminder that not all of tech is populated by filthy enervating goblins.