daily shorts

Nepo baby blessings

Was talking to an ex-coworker who’s currently having some damned good craic right now and he had only this to say about our resident nepo baby:

“May the roads rise up to meet his face.”

We miss that man so much every day.


Shadow daddies

Me: I went down the booktok route over the weekend and I’m amazed at how many stories have been told about faeries fucking across the centuries till they are blind
P: A classic love story
Me: With a shadow daddy of course
Me: Dark, broody, arrogant, seemingly made of night itself
P: That’s how most women refer to me
Me: You look too much like a goody two shoes
P: I’ll have to grunge up my look a bit more, I guess. Damn my beautiful blue eyes making me look soft
Me: They need to be more wicked
Me: Shadow daddy flair
P: I know… instead they’re just dreamy
Me: Dreamy is good for one book, eyes that sparkle with mischief and touched by the sensual void of the endless night gets you the other five
P: I only need one book to impress… those lame shadow daddies need five

daily shorts

Admitting is Step 1

I was at Pilates earlier and the instructor was talking about lighter springs and I said, “I’m okay, I like easy!”

Without missing a beat she goes, “You don’t like easy, you’re trying to do a pull-up. People who who like easy don’t do those things.”

daily shorts

Telegram temptation

My Monday’s been really productive. HBU?

Me: Man some of these emoji reactions are questionable af
Me: Hot dog and strawberry one 100000% sus
Me: When would you EVER use that
P: There are very few food emojis that wouldn’t DIRECTLY be used for innuendo
Me: Like that hot dog is SLIDING up and down in the bun
P: …oh come on now!
Me: Strawberry had some weird turn/squirt animation
Me: Like WHY
P: Jesus… now I’m just checking out sexualized food emojis
P: There goes my day

daily shorts

Intrusive thoughts

Is a bagel just a donut that went to the gym and recomped?

daily one thing a day

The halvening is nigh

My shitcoins right now:

We takin' off

My sensible co-worker:
why don’t you just DCA eth or btc like a normal person

daily one thing a day

Only gamers will know

“You are my legendary Loot.”

Happy Valentine’s Day.

daily shorts

The myth of anonymity

Like how on earth is “anonymous feedback” supposed to work in a tiny team setting?

Do we have to write each other’s feedback to obfuscate the original author? Or do we all tell ChatGPT to do a rewrite so there’s just one voice?

daily shorts


The end of this year would mark two decades of World of Warcraft charting my life into strange places.

Goddamn, I’m old.

daily shorts

Clear liquid diet

I thought I wouldn’t last the 24 hours just sipping on coconut water. It wasn’t actually too bad compared to the bowel-prep cleanse that came after.

“Pleasant passion fruit flavor” my ass.