2017 one thing a day

Day 015

I wrinkled my nose at him, “This lady is super impressive. She’s got thirteen units that she’s renting on out AirBnB! Talk about being enterprising!”

He blinked. “Shit. We’ve wasted our lives. We must do something about it this year. Like making a baby.”

I stared. “Wait, what?”

“You said we’d be making our own product this year,” he replied nonchalantly.

“That’s not exactly the product I had in mind…”

2021 edit–
On today’s episode of #truenerd! I chuckled at how clever it was.

2017 one thing a day

Day 013

Friday the 13th is really living up to its name–my thyroglossal cyst invited the throat infection in to party and let’s just say things got a little explosive. I’m now up to my eyeballs in antibiotics.

The doctor also gave me a sedative of sorts, which makes doing anything borderline impossible. Ah, sweet delicious sleep. It’s almost as if I’m trading throat soreness with eventual bed sores.

2021 edit–
Dude, I got sick again?? WTF. COME ON. It’s only been a week! Pretty sure 2017 was the height of my dedication to being fit and all that jazz.

2017 one thing a day

Day 010

The most amazing thing in the world right now: having someone I know accidentally stumble upon the article over at Little Slices about freelancing and telling me things like, “Oh my God! That article sounds like it really came from you!!! I totally read it in your voice haha!”

Totally feeling the love! Makes up for all the raging suck I got thrown into yesterday.

2021 edit–
I had loads of fun with that back when… I was traveling. And meeting people. OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT EVEN LIKE ANYMORE.

2017 one thing a day

Day 009

It’s only nine days into the new year and I’ve already blown my quota at mentally cursing out project managers who are half baked and have absolutely no fucking clue at what they’re doing and/or asking for. I cannot emphasize no fucking clue enough. HOW DID THESE PEOPLE EVEN GET JOBS?? Again, a project manager should be able to do more than just reply emails and draft up briefs in PowerPoint.

Having to deal with abhorrent crazies early in the morning makes me unnecessarily violent and sends me into fits of uncontrollable coughing.

I might be jumping the gun here, but as a PSA to everyone working with a front end developer for anything, CSS is not the same thing as PSD. For fuck’s sake. If you’re working in a digital agency, you REALLY SHOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.

So much for complaining less and embracing the world’s positivity. I will do better tomorrow.

2021 edit–
Well, the zen in my flow aged poorly.

2017 one thing a day

Day 008

I previously entertained the idea of creating themes/templates and naming them after people I know and respect. It was to be an inspired piece of sorts, and as a way to say, “Hey, thanks for being part of my life and I appreciate you!”

As it turns out, the longer you dawdle, the sinking realization of how much everyone has changed (some for the utter worse) starts to set in. Kinda like what it feels like to see the cement harden around your ankles right before you’re tossed of a bridge into a river of unknown depths below.

I’ve now come to loathe 80% of the people I used admire.

I guess the lesson here is to just make it anyway, in hopes that whatever you made preserved the very best and brightest bits of your relationship with said person.

2021 edit–
I feel like this is very applicable to baby names as well. I am thankful all I’m naming is a cat or two. Maybe three.

2017 one thing a day

Day 005

All my plans were disrupted because my body started producing the most foul-smelling, wretched-tasting, nasty-looking phlegm in fashionable shades of regurgitated seaweed green and trampled pollen yellow. Talk about getting the seasonal rejects.

The running joke is that I fell sick after attending a wake because my chi wasn’t strong enough. The other theory is that I absorbed too much death and my body is still learning how to wield its power.

Or it could really just be because someone wouldn’t stay home to recover while he was ill!

2021 edit–
On the bright side, at least it wasn’t COVID. Too soon?

2017 one thing a day

Day 004

“Relearned” how to burpee. The PT said form was impeccable and it’s just the breathing I have to work on, huzzah! Smashing those fitness goals.

2021 edit–
I’m marveling at how young and naïve I was.

2017 one thing a day

Day 003

Did some digital housekeeping… and for some strange reason clicked into Tumblr messages. I don’t ever click into that because I obviously never get messages, ever.

Found a lovely message from a client dated way back (sorry!). Super stoked she actually took the trouble to reach out, but a little disappointed in myself that it took all of 582 days to realize the message was there. Sent an apology instead and wished her a great year ahead!

2021 edit–
Lovely reminder that not all of tech is populated by filthy enervating goblins.

2017 one thing a day

Day 002

Saw a cluster (well, to be precise, just two) of morning glories growing by the side of the drain amidst an entire sea of bedraggled weeds that’ve seen better days.

I’m starting the year off right: stories from around the world, places to inevitably visit, and friends to share them all with!

2021 edit–
I legitimately have no idea what brought this on. Talk about getting justed by yourself. BRB going through all the images on my phone.

2017 one thing a day

Day 001

It’s the first year of the new year and I slept in, without worry! Plus, I ate carbs without worrying about calories (until my PT catches whiff of it, that is). Life is good.

2021 edit–
I was obviously ultra lazy with titles of any sort in 2017. I promise I’m slightly more witty in 2018.