daily shorts

In today’s lessons of phonetics

I learned something new in a daily affirmation room on Clubhouse yesterday (I swear I was the only Asian): people say “grand rising” instead of “good morning”.

“Grand rising, kings and queens!”

Somehow it’s 150% cooler when a black person says it.

When I say it, it just sounds like I’m talking about a Chinese restaurant.

daily shorts

Can we get some burpees in here

I recently started HIIT again.

Not going to lie: the first week was devastating, both physically and spiritually. I felt truly unfit for the first time in a very long time… something along the lines of, “I THOUGHT I WAS FIT FFS WTF IS THIS HOW AM I A TOTAL SHITTER???”

It is now the third week and I’m happy to report that my body has remembered what it feels like to be tortured.

All is right again in the world.


Old content, new surprises!

So awhile ago (by awhile I really mean about three years ago), I attempted to journal down “one thing a day” in hopes that one day I’ll look back at those entries and not cringe (too much). Obviously “one thing a day” was a terribly worded goal because if I’m going to be honest, my entries were more like “some things in a year”.

It’s only February but I’m struggling and hanging onto A REALLY THIN line of sanity wondering when the pandemic will go back to the void where it surfaced from.

And I have to say, revisiting the little snippets have kept me sane.

I think I’ll start porting them over to this site so I can keep better track of things. So… scroll backwards in a few days for new old content?

daily shorts

Finding joy

The pandemic is still going strong.

I’m a little annoyed that the infection numbers are still climbing despite EVERY MEDIA OUTLET telling you to stay home if you don’t need to go out or to practice social distancing if you do. Look, I get it. Staying in sucks.

But if you’re going out simply because “staying home sucks” and because being bored interferes with your lifestyle, I hope the folks at the ICU gives your ventilator to someone else.

daily shorts

Cryptocurrency and their charts

TIL what it means for a market to be “crabbing at X” over an extended period of time (looking at you Chainlink).

Also, asking the really important question: does technical chart analysis really ever work?

Isn’t it all just theoretically… gambling?

daily shorts

Something about talking to long lost friends

I wouldn’t say we’re friends? It does fall under the category of Someone I Used To Know though.

I suppose it’s still a relationship of sorts even if it does feel… a little peculiar. The week’s been a little muddy and I have to say, the universe never fails to surprise me with her aptly-timed quirky gifts.

I’m glad you’re still alive.


Covid-19 x The Black Death

The bubonic plague has come back out to play because some person decided to eat a marmot. If we needed a a gentle reminder (or harsh flex) of all the terrible things still lurking about in the event we’re not taking Covid-19 seriously enough, here it is!

Seriously though, Chinese people need to cut it out with the propensity for eating every and any animal that has their backs facing the sky.

It’s even a legit saying: 背脊向天人所食。

2020 is now officially the year of plague and misery.

daily shorts

Streaming is like a job

I can’t emphasize how much like a real job it feels like given that I’ve rolled out of bed still semi sleep deprived and am currently running on instant coffee.

I even microwaved my milk.

It’s not like I have much options, okay?


Brownface. Blackface.

Unless you’ve been under a rock, pretty much every celebrity (traditional or otherwise) who did some form of black/brownface in the past have been called out on their actions. Together in that mix are the people who mock languages. Peculiarly enough, it’s always the Asian languages.

Maybe because I’m Asian, but I don’t understand why non-Asians find it funny to mock Asian languages.

But I digress.

While we’re dragging mostly white people for black/brownface and making way for their apology tour across social media, did we all collectively forget about an entire subculture in Japan dedicated to blackface?

If you’re calling people out, at least be fair about it.

And maybe realize that you’re not as non-racist as you think you are.

daily shorts

Why do we argue online?

The internet is truly filled with “wtf?” people.

Especially the ones who make assumptions and/or arguments based solely off the comments of other people while not actually watching and/or reading the actual source.

I mean, WHY?

And please don’t say, “Oh, because I don’t care about [insert original subject] enough to read/watch it.” You obviously cared enough to weigh in.

Serious question to people who do this: do you like arguing with strangers online? For the sake of just arguing? Or is it because you just need to be heard in some way or other?


p/s: make the internet a better place and don’t be that person.