daily shorts

People on the Internet

A fellow crypto degenerate just asked in chat if we would follow him on Instagram. Of course we said yes (nothing could possibly go wrong, right?).

Man is a thirst trap and everyone is freaking out right now.

daily shorts

Imposter Syndrome

I’ve noticed that I get very fidgety when my title gets brought up even though I don’t believe in titles (read: I don’t care what your title is, please just get your shit done).

My current title has the word “director” in it and it just feels odd every time someone else uses it.

daily shorts

The market this week

You gotta love memes on the internet.

BTC and ETH fucking us all up

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My younger self was a property thief

TIL hermit crabs have a pretty awesome housing exchange system going on.

See it in all its glory here:
Spoiler: I see line cutting is not just a shitty human thing.

daily shorts

How much do we really hate ourselves?

The “Historical Romance” genre is pretty much… 90,000 words of misogyny.

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Almost there

So… my sister just casually mentioned there’s an outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis over in Victoria.

That’s plague, war, and pestilence.

Guess famine’s coming real soon with the wheat shortage.

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The Asian Way

My mother just shamed my cloud latte “art” (by art I mean it’s really just a blob of foam sitting in the middle of my cup).

She pointed to an article in the paper and said, “Look. Aunty in old kopitiam* also can make star shape.”

The shame is real.


*literally translates to “coffee shop”

daily shorts

Online security training

Cybersecurity expert on phishing: “Did you receive the email at an unusual time? If you receive an email outside of normal business hours, this is a red flag.”

Guess everyone in ad agencies are potential scammers.

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First a pandemic, and now war

I’m not religious at all but at this point in time I can’t help but wonder if we’re just sitting around waiting for the other two horsemen to show up.

daily shorts

Literally once in a lifetime

Me: Oh oh bear guess what day it is today
Me: Get it???
Me: Because 2/22/22 😀 and Tuesday 😀
Bear: 🤦

My funny has gone unappreciated.